

Monday, June 08, 2015

The explanations and concrete examples of “teacher’s role”

The explanations and concrete examples of “teacher’s role” as :
·         Teacher as a agents of change : knowledge (knowledge) and skills (competency) should always be updated (updated) in accordance with the development needs of the moment. If not, will have an impact on the non-conformance between the needs of the students or parents of students as customers (customer) with the services provided.
·         Teacher as an innovators: As an innovator, professional teachers always have fresh ideas for the advancement of learning and students. He always never run out of ideas to find the strategies, methods, or new ways, even new concepts in learning.
·         Teacher as an authority figure: teachers should have a good attitude which can be remembered by his students.
·         Teacher as a leader: Attached to him as a burden that should always be able to oversee the duties and functions without having to follow rigid rules and regulations. He was able to take a wise decision.
·         Teacher as a knower: teachers must be knowledgeable in order to teach a good lesson and correct to students
·         Teacher as a researcher: how teachers develop new teaching methods through close observation of how to teach other teachers.
·         Teacher as a directors: every teacher is directed to clever directing student learning activities in order to achieve success in learning (academic performance) as determined in the process of teaching and learning objectives.
·         Teacher as a managers: There are many management functions assigned to a professional teacher. He was always able to oversee the execution of the duties and functions under the provisions of the applicable legislation.
·         Teacher as a designers: teachers as instructional designer.
·         Teacher as a planners: should prepare for what will be done in the learning process.
·         Teacher as a controllers: teachers must participate in various training and improvement of teachers' competence
·         Teacher as an evaluators: Professional teachers are able to prepare a good assessment instruments, carrying out assessments in various forms and types of assessment, and be able to assess each student jobs and tasks that have been given.
·         Teacher as an observers: can examine each student
·         Teacher as a supervisor: Good teachers constantly monitor, assess and technical guidance on the development of their students.
·         Teacher as a facilitator: In carrying out its role as a facilitator, a teacher is able to provide technical assistance, direction and guidance to learners. He can facilitate all the needs of their students, in accordance with its duties and functions.
·         Teacher as a resource: can master the subject matter well, so he really acts as a source of learning for the students
·         Teacher as a counselor: he expected to be able to respond to any behavioral problems that occur in the classroom.
·         Teacher as a guide:   teachers guide children into human dewasasusila capable and independent.
·         Teacher as a friend: able to create a learning atmosphere that is warm, fun, uplifting, self-confidence and self-adhesive for students.
·         Teacher as a confidant: always find a sense of security for students. Teachers become a haven for students to gain a sense of security and settle in it.
·         Teacher as a parent: representing parents in their child's education at school. School is an educational institution after the family, so that in the broadest sense is a family school, teachers act as parents for their students.

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